
August 03, 2010

Another Giveaway over at Sara's!!!

Hey, hey! Here I am again! I'm not gonna's been a challenging few days here in Dreaming Bear land. I've had some health issues, and it hasn't been much fun, but I think we are getting them sorted out, and I should be back to my crazy self very soon! In the meantime, you need to meet my new bloggy friend, SARA from Sara's Art House.

(photos from Sara's Art House)
(some of Sara's whimsical artwork)

This girl is FUN with a capital "F." Her house is fabulous!!! And so is her blog, so that's why I jumped on the chance to be a sponsor of her lovely space in the blogosphere. Run, don't walk, over to her blog right enter a chance to win our Dreaming Bear giveaway!!! Click HERE!
Cheers to you all!!!


  1. Hoping you are feeling better. I am so sorry you have had trouble.

    Thanks for the photos and links to my blog :) My fireplace fits right in over here :)

  2. hope your feeling better. your blog is so cute. i love love love the title of your blog. i am really impressed with how fun and colorful her house is!!
