
September 30, 2010

Mini Projects in Progress (say that 5 times fast!)

My work table at home has been rather messy lately. I've been working on a couple dozen mini canvases to get ready for the Chocolate Walk tomorrow night!!! Love them!!! Here they are, in various stages of progress. I'm really diggin' the little house about to take flight. Heh.

I use one of my girlie's old composition notebooks as a paint palette. You should see how thick it is!!! And heavy!!!
The largest canvas here is 4"x6".....giggle, giggle...

And there's a stack waiting for my inspiration to strike again.....

Happy Thursday to you!!!!


  1. Those look great, so bright and fun. I've been working on a few projects today, I love it when I feel like I'm being productive.

    Have a great weekend.

  2. i have to ask, what do you use for the black and white outlines? it looks great! what are those crayons you are using? ;)

  3. what a delicious batch!
    love them all/espec. the house
    w/wings as well!!

  4. these are all so AWESOME! I love the vibrancy you get out of using craft paints. Beautiful.

  5. i love the bright colors of your painting!
