
September 10, 2010

Peeking Around the Store

Hi gang! Another week is just whizzing by. Crazy! Would you like a little peek around the store these days? Of course you would! Above is a little shadow box that I painted up...that was a fun project. And we also have more Romero Britto umbrellas in, for those of you who would like to stop traffic while out on a rainy day!

This soap makes me giggle.....a perfect pick me up for someone having a crappy day. Or life.

New extra large shopper totes. Made from recycled materials. A few designs are available...this one's my favorite.

And of course we love robots of all sizes, shapes and colors. They are peeking out of nooks all over the store. Just love 'em!!!!

More to come soon, including posting info for upcoming autumn events. So stay tuned!
Just finished reading Slumdog Millionaire. Great story...curious about seeing the movie now.
Have a great day!!!


  1. Someday...I am going to visit your store! It is so fun!

    I just got your post up.

  2. You make me wish I lived in Iowa. I would buy one of everything!
