
September 02, 2010

Ray + Omaha = Good Stuff!

(a journal page I made last night)
Hey guys! I've been a bad lil' blogger...sorry about that! I guess it's just the adjustment to the new school year, and keeping the kids on schedule. And the homework.....holy smokes! The homework. But I think our family is falling into a routine now. Somewhat. How have you been?

Despite all the craziness, Lovin' Man and I ran off for a couple of days to Omaha! Our main reason for going was to see my fave: Ray Lamontagne, in concert. And as usual, he did not disappoint. There's something about that man's voice. Seated in front of us was a couple and their college aged son with some of his friends. The father was weeping during a couple of songs. It was so sweet to see his wife notice this, and gently rub his back until it passed.
If you haven't checked out Ray's latest CD, do so. (I know I'm being kinda bossy....but I really think you'd love it!) You can find it here. We got to Omaha early on Sunday, before the concert, and decided to wander around the Old Market. So many great little galleries, shops, and restaurants! We ended up eating at Vivace. Oh so tasty, and guess who we saw there!!! RAY!!! Lovin' Man had to keep reminding me not to stare, and somehow I resisted running over to Ray's table and hopping in his lap. Ha! A couple more highlights: breakfast at Lisa's Radial Cafe, and we also visited Bodies, The Exhibition. It's in Omaha until the end of September. Absolutely amazing....see it if you get a chance. (again with the bossiness)
Last night before dinner, I busted out the tree page on the left, in my art journal and I started the bicycle page on the right. I'm thinking the bikes need wings or something, don't you agree?

The orange bike is one that I am currently coveting. It's like a Dreamsicle on that color!! I haven't notified Lovin' Man of this yet, but I intend to make it mine. Soon.

Cheers to you all, hope your September is great!


  1. I am with you on the orange bicycle thing!! =)

  2. Happy.
    The whole post.
    Just makes me happy:)

  3. love your journal pages! and I want that bike too!

  4. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog, glad you found me, because now I've found you back! Love your colours and your style, will be back soon!

  5. I agree - the orange bike is the best!!!!!

    Glad you had such a good time!

  6. Love Ray!
    The bikes are cool. I'm wanting a big chunky retro bike too.
    Happy Almost Fall!

  7. Love Ray Lamontagne and LOve your pages ! The colors make me feel alive. So good.
    I hope the fall routine settles in smoothly for you all.
    Cheers !

  8. Hi Dreaming Bear!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a message. I had to stop by for a visit, and love all the happiness and friendship over here. I enjoy Ray La Montagne too, and I would have definitely ran right over to his table, gushing myself silly! And then there's that orange bike... right up my alley too. Thank you for brightening my day :o)
    x, Val
