
October 03, 2010

Thanks for a Great Chocolate Walk!

Hi everyone! A great big THANK YOU to all who came out to see us on Friday night for the Chocolate Walk!!! Holy Moly! It was like a great big reunion for us! We saw so many friends, customers and fellow merchants. It was WONDERFUL! It was an absolutely gorgeous evening. Like storybook gorgeous....a light breeze....leaves falling from the trees, luminaries lighting the sidewalks. Simply magical and fun!!! We were so busy, I only snagged a handful of photos. Ugh. Sorry about that! But I guess that's a good sign...our event was a success! Hooray!

Here is my darling Miss Angie. She rocks a Dreaming Bear apron like no other!!!

And I might be in trouble for sharing this pic of two of our biggest supporters (one of them kept avoiding my camera, that little bugger)....but they are so adorable, with our very popular moustache pillows!!! Tee hee.

We had lots of fun people come through the studio.....that's where the chocolate treats were!

The store was a buzzin' too.....what a great night! Thanks to everyone for your wonderful support!!!!


  1. Looks like so much fun! How do I get a mustache pillow?

  2. This place looks like a slice of heaven to me! An Artist Treasure!!

  3. Hi! I love your bio. I love you art! I love the look of your store! Cheers!!

  4. Love these glimpses into your studio and hello, a chocolate walk?! What an awesome and fun idea!
