
February 07, 2011

More Journal Pages!

Hello there friends!  Thanks for all the great feedback on my current journaling obsession!  Here are a few more journal pages from the aforementioned book that I'm currently having a BLAST playing around in!  Above, a fast page where I was playing with my water soluble pastels.  It's hard to read, but at the bottom of the page is a quote from Barbara Sher, "Whatever your dreams are, start taking them very, very seriously."  Amen, sister!  And below, more playing with pastels...the flower on the right is a color scan of a collage flower I made a long time ago.....

I recently purchased a couple of tees from Kalidarling, and she sent me this ADORABLE monster sticker!!!  Oh lookie!  She's selling the stickers too!!  Check 'em out!

Then I played with my markers for a while......that dresser is a snippet from a mag that someone gave me for inspiration.  Harlequin is such a great pattern on just about anything, no?

More images from mags, and lots of doodles.  That circular pattern is a plate design by Susan Sargent.  Love her work!!  I hope to own some of her dinnerware someday.

Bits of gift wrap...and on the right, a brochure from the latest exhibit at the CR Art Museum...Pop Up Art!!!  If you are in the Cedar Rapids area, get your booty down's such a fun exhibit, and lasts until May!!!

The kitty cat is a scan of old's fun to look back sometimes......

I don't think this picture does it much justice, but I dig this border, and the fact that my writing on previous pages has pressed through and left a "ghost-like" mark on this page.....

More snippets from my paper collection.  The funny girl is from a Teesha collage sheet......

Cheers!!!!  And Happy Monday!!!!!


  1. Thanks for the heads up about the exhibit -we will make sure to go see it! Journaling has a whole new meaning for me now :-D

  2. Your journal pages are too much fun. Looks like you are enjoying the process. Happy February Hearts...

  3. Dori, what a great journal!!!! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Love how your mind plays!!! :)

  5. I found your blog through C-Joy, and I love it! The colors make me very very happy. I live in Cedar Rapids, and I'm pretty sure I've been to your store. This is the second blog I've seen lately about journaling, so I think I'm getting a nudge from the powers that be to get moving and start journaling.

    Thanks for your cheerful blog. It really did brighten my day :)

    Sue (Ms. Caboo)

  6. Hi Dori,
    Thanks for your big compliments on my miniatures.
    I love these art-journals.
    I started one a while ago,but never blogged about it.
    I also love the rest of your art.
    Nice to meat you.( sorry for my bad English, but i am trying)

  7. Dori, I finally got a chance to pop over to look at your blog - what a treat! I love all the journaling goin' on. Gotta say - I'm an Iowa fan (I've got old friends in Iowa City, and they taught me to appreciate the place and the people). Rock on, woman! (and thanks for including me on your blog list...)

  8. I love your journal pages they bring a bit of brightness to the gloom of winter days.

  9. What fun...I adore all your colour!!! Happy Valentine's weekend to you...fill it with love. xo

  10. Hi Dori, your journal pages are awesome! thanks too for visiting my blog and leaving a message :)


  11. Wowzeee, such beautiful yummy and oh so colourful spreads in your journal. thanks for sharing so much from your "obsession" - one can tell that you are having a lot of fun! :-)
