
April 20, 2011

Postcards from iHanna's Swap!

Howdy!  Would you like to see the postcards I received in iHanna's DIY Postcard Swap?  Eh?  Eh?  Of course you do!  It was so much fun to "meet" people from all over the world!  They are all little treasures to me...I love them all!  I've included links to their blogs when available.  Check 'em out!  The one shown above is from Charlotte in Sweden.

These great stars are from Kelly Warren, in Florida.

This lovely is from Regina Lord in Arizona.  Her blog is found HERE.

This one is really's from S. Arden Hill in Manitoba, Canada.

Danielle Nelson made this one, and she has a blog HERE.

This is the one I received first, from Bridget in New York.

This was hand painted by Mary at Joyful Ploys.  So pretty!

Last, but certainly not least...this came from iHanna!  Love all that stitching!
That's all for now folks!  Be back again soon!  I'm on a creative rampage!


  1. How fun! They all look great. I like your new banner : )

  2. Wow, lovely postcards. I am so jealous. :)

  3. When I was a kid I collected postcards! This is an absolutely awesome idea--waaaay cool! Love it!

  4. Pretty pretty cards!!!
