
May 08, 2011

Giveaway Winner!!!

Hello gang!!!!  I hope you all had a restful, enjoyable Mother's Day!!!  I was treated to a wonderful day by my family...lots of fun and food and quality time spent with loved ones.  Now I'm pooped! 

I'm happy to announce the winner of our giveaway!!!!  It is.....KAREN BLADOS!!! 
Karen's comment:
"I took German and my name was Katrin. I think if I was going to go latin, I'd like Kamille. "
Karen, please get in touch with me at thedreamingbear(at)gmail(dot)com and tell me where to send your goodies!!!  Congrats!  And thanks to everyone for their lovely comments....I read all of them, and they really made me smile.  Thanks!!!!  Have a good week!!!


  1. Oooh, I missed this one!! But Congratulations to Karen--lucky girl!

  2. Congratulations Karen. This looks like I too missed a wonderful give. Marvelous May to all...

  3. Congrats to Karen! And thanks for visiting my blog.
