Hiya! How's it going? I've been a bad little blogger...I'm not sure why....maybe it's the official transition into summertime. So glad summer is here! The kids were done with school last Thursday...and we are beginning our first week of sleeping in, playing around, and working on our tans. Life is good.
Lovin' Man has been busy with his "honey do" lists that just keep growing and growing. We recently had our house repainted...which has led to other things naturally....new flower pots out front and more. Currently, the back patio is getting a makeover, and we are working our way through the backyard. I've been clearing away overgrowth, planting new things, and have had fun putting little accessories here and there. Totally loving garden accessories! Will show you some pics very soon....but first I would like to say THANK YOU for making us the number one gift shop on KCRG's A-List!!!
You have been on my A list since day 1! :)