
December 15, 2011

Halfway Through December Already!

Oh me....oh's the 15th of December already?  How can this be?  Mom was right about time flying faster as you get older.  Sigh.  How have you been?  We have been enjoying mild temps so far here in Iowa.....40's and rainy.  It's kind of nice....but the kids want snow.  Kids always want's fun for them.  They don't have to worry about driving through it to get to work, etc. 

We have been blessed with a very busy holiday season so far!!!  There seems to really be a shift in the way people are thinking about doing their shopping this year.  Folks are really making an effort to buy local, and support small businesses!  This makes us SO happy, of course!!!  And we are working hard to keep up with the demand.  Feeling so grateful for my helpful staff, and supportive family who help to make it all happen!

Soon I'll post some pics of the store, before all of our holiday finery gets packed up for another year! 

1 comment:

  1. Happy to hear it's going well for you! It's been in the seventies here and so it's really hard for me to believe that Christmas is so close.
    Take care,
