Do you ever have those days? One of those really bad days? One where you wonder, "what's the point of it all?" there even a point to what I am doing right here, right now, sloshing this paint around, rearranging and wiping down shelves.....etc. I was in a bad mood the other day....nothing seemed to be going right, and it felt like a rather pointless day. Yes, even the "happy dreaming bear lady" feels like that sometimes!
Then, enters a painted pot that changed my outlook in the blink of an eye!!!!
Mackenzie, from the Prairiewoods Transition Center, and her baby boy, Vinnie (is that a kick ass name for a baby or what?!) delivered this pot last week.
This magnificent, fabulous, miraculous pot!!!
It was painted by my Art Rocks kids as a thank you for the art making time we had together in the studio!
Each student painted a little Dreaming Bear on the pot.
Amazing! And they are thanking me? It really is the other way around.....and this fine piece of art was a good reminder for me that day. These kids bring so much joy to my life and my heart. They have no idea what a positive impact they have been in my life. And what GREAT ENERGY they bring to my studio! Woweee! The place just vibrates when they are in there! I'm so happy to have the opportunity to work with them again in the fall. These guys/gals can do BIG things people!!!!
THANK YOU to them for reminding me that no matter the size of the gesture, what you do really counts. There is a heart can touch many hearts....and so on and so forth. Every thought, movement, and expression has a purpose...and can be part of something really big and good.
Thankful, grateful me.
SO very heartwarming. I love reading your posts about these kids and their time with you. I love that you include them in your life and give them the gift of art and freedom from boundaries for just a little while. This sweet post made my day. AND the POT! Absolutely priceless! Thanks for sharing.