
June 11, 2012

Recently Reading....

Hi again!  I forgot to mention in my last post that while on vacation, I indulged in a little reading as well.  Three out of the four places we stayed in did NOT have TVs in them, and that was perfectly fine with us.  It made me shamefully aware of how often I absentmindedly turn the TV on for no good reason, clicking through all of the channels.....just for the noise.  And let's face it, there is very little GOOD TV out there.  Lack of TV on our trip really helped me to "settle."  It's good stuff, settling.

First I read "Little Bee" by Chris Cleave.  Absolutely wonderful!!  I found myself going back to certain passages and reading them again, because it was so beautifully done. 

Lovin' Man and I both read this's fascinating!  I believe Jon Ronson, the author, is also the author of "Men Who Stare at Goats."  Smart, witty, sometimes scary....but very interesting.

I've been finding myself in a bit of a creative "lull" lately, so I'm trying to stretch myself by looking into different concepts/exercises/etc to get the juices flowing again.  This is a fun, encouraging book....I have seem some grumbling here and there online about it, that it's sending the wrong message, but so far, I don't's about finding things...anything...that inspires you, and turning into something that is authentically you. 

Well, I've got some bookmarks that need inspiring messages, and some little fabric owls are calling my name to be stitched I'm off!  Hope you are having a sunny day!

1 comment:

  1. I've been hearing people smirking at the thought of 'stealing' ideas from other artists. Hogwash! "Those who do not want to imitate anything PRODUCE NOTHING." --Salvador Dali
