
October 07, 2013

Magic Hand Journal Page, and I love October!

Hi again, friends!  We have a lot to catch up on, as I just returned from a fabulous art retreat this past weekend, with my friend Erin.....but I'm still getting caught up on my photos, emails, work, for now, I'm going to share another journal page in my Canson Mixed Media book.  I'm not entirely sure this one is complete...its doesn't feel like it is....but I'm letting it rest for now.

This one was made with acrylic paints (as always!) tissue papers, and washi tape.

The "eye" showed up in some hand painted paper I had in my stash.  And the scalloped edge is actually a cut scalloped edge, allowing the page behind it to peek through. 

And I love adding my little pencil markings here and there for good measure!

More to come soon!  How are you?  Are the leaves changing beautifully? 
It's getting gorgeous and chilly here.  Love it!

1 comment:

  1. I am loving your blog. So happy. So inspiring. I want you pics to be bigger so I can soak in all the details. :) And I am off to google Montana paint markers. . never heard of them. Blessings on your time in Chicago. . .hope you are surprised.
