
January 30, 2014

A quick journal peek

My sweet friend Denise stopped by the studio and "arted around" with me today!  After working on a little painted table for the store (which I forgot to snap a photo of, darn it!), we pulled out our art journals and played around....and it was a blast!!!

I think this page is still a work in progress...not sure where to go with it....but we'll see.

Hope you are "arting around" and having fun too!!!

January 27, 2014

Monday notes

Howdy!  It's Monday!  Monday is usually my day for shenanigans.  We are closed at the store, and it's my day for running errands and getting oddball things done.  I ran out today with the dogs to get them a toenail clipping, and get Bosco boy updated on his shots.  After bringing them back home, I went on a date with myself.  I picked up a few crafty/creative books at the library, had a yummy coffee, and shopped around for some items I need for some upcoming large projects.  But what did I do??  I hesitated!  I didn't pull the trigger and buy the items I saw...and I'm now regretting this.  I wish I had purchased them.  Cuz now that I've thought about it, I realize how they can work.  ARGH.  Now I have to go back out in the cold to get them.  DUMB. 

While realizing that I should've bought said items, I had some time to play with my new Gelli plate.  LORD, do I LOVE ME SOME Gelli printing!!!  EEEEK!  Above is a pic of my favorite one so far.  Like it?  I still have a lot to learn about layering/masking/etc...but it's so much fun to play!!!  Now I gotta get the gumption up to go back out in this cold. 

But it's so cozy inside, with this guy.  Sigh.

January 24, 2014

Back Home, It's Cold, But my Journal is fun!

Hi again!  Are you cold?  I'm cold!  It's freezing!  It's so cold!  Chilly.  Brrrrr.  Yikes, so cold!  Brrrrr.  Did I mention that it's a bit nippy?  Sooooo....I'm over winter, how about you??  We returned from the Windy City Gift Show on Tuesday night.  Soooo glad to be home.  I know they tell you that you should always be positive and happy when talking about how things went, but it just was not the case.  The traffic was SLOW....the weather was was a LONG show.  I've always gotta put a positive spin on know I will say that we made a few good contacts that I hope will become fruitful over the year.  The people who get what I'm doing, really GET IT.  I love those people.  Everyone else.....meh.  And the "meh" people are not worth dealing with while I wait another 8-10 hours for a good one to come around. 
Soooo....I've come to conclusion that going after new wholesale customers is going to be done the new and improved way....searching them out in person and on the internet.  I truly believe that the age of certain trade shows is passing.  Everything is just too damn easy to do in your jammies, with a laptop!!!  Heck, that's how I buy for my store and studio!!!  With the exception of the CHA show, of course!  That show is worth every penny, because every where you turn, there are talented, vibrant artists showing you how to use all of the new products!  LOVE THAT!

Speaking of new products!!  By the end of the first day, Lovin Man helped me to see that we just needed to enjoy ourselves while we were there for the long haul.  He's good like that...much more patient than I.  So he took me to Blick, and I got some goodies!  Just a few, including a Gelli Plate!  I still haven't played with it...I'm hoping to this weekend.  So exciting!  I spent a lot of time in the hotel room watching videos of folks making fabulous prints with their Gelli plate! 

 I've been back on a creative tear, as of late.  Here are some pages from my journals that I did on New Year's Day.  Just having lots of fun...playing, stamping, dripping, daubing, gluing, and repeating!

And I thought this was the perfect message for the new year. 

 Hope yours is happy and grand so far!!!!  Let's THINK SPRING now!!!!  See you again soon!

January 14, 2014

Windy City, See You Soon!

Busy, busy, busy over here in Dreaming Bear land!  We are getting ready to exhibit at the Windy City Gift Show in Chicago this weekend!  We will be there Saturday the 18th through Tuesday the 21st in booth 1521!  Many items are available for cash and carry, and we will be writing orders too, for future shipments!  If you are a shop/gallery owner at market in Chicago this weekend, stop by and see us!  I'll have my handsome hubby with me!!!

We have been swamped making and making and making!  Still so much to do, so I'm off on this windy day to get stuff done! 

(pictured are our fabric collage hearts, dried lavender inside)