
A Simple Place Journal Page

Hello!!!  February is here.  Lord help me....the winter despair is setting in. 
No doubt about it.
I've been trying to distract myself with slapping paint and paper on things..... journal.  Above is a picture of the "Somewhere a Simple Place" prompt from the Journal 52 project.  It's an assortment of acrylic paints, textured with a baby wipe through a stencil...the tree is made with a high flow acrylic....I'm new to those...we haven't made nice with each other yet.  All I want to do is crawl back into bed and throw the covers over my head.  We got more snow last night, and school got cancelled again.  The kids will be attending school all summer at this rate.  Don't mind's not THAT bad.  It could be worse.  Thank goodness for a good stock of tea and art supplies.  I will survive.