
January 21, 2011

Bored with the Cold

Hi everyone!!!  How are you?  It is soooo flippin' cold outside, oh my goodness!!! (-15 right now)  It dipped way below zero last night, and the entire family pulled out the flannel jammies!  We snuggled up in front of the fire with some hot was nice!  So far this week, I'm the only one to catch yet another bug!!!  (c'mon!!!  Are you kidding me??!!)  This was just a nasty head cold...and it's going away now, thank goodness.  And this is what sweet, patient Elsie has been doing.....finding spots of sunshine to lie in.  She is quite bored with our life right now.  We are exercising her by running her up and down the steps....her trips outside are kept very brief, because her little ears freeze so quickly.  There's a nice open space in our living room for her to chase balls around...but I can see it in her eyes....she's saying "Seriously, people, we need to get a life."  Once we make it back over the zero mark, sweet girl, I promise.


  1. So cute! We have had at 3 animals a night in bed with us because of the cold!

    Warmness sent your way : )

  2. She is precious! I'm ready for warmer weather! Although I can't comprehend -15! Our chilly 27 is too cold for me....I mean seriously I live in Texas because I like HOT weather ;)
    Hopefully staying indoors is giving you plenty of time to get crafty.
    I wish your little shop was here so I could come play!

  3. Oh my dear!!!!!!!!!! We would DIE with weather that cold!!! You need to come visit us in NC

  4. It seems as if everyone is looking for sunshine. Your cold weather sounds awful! I feel ashamed complaining of fog and rain. Hope the warm days come soon.
