
January 11, 2011

Wintertime Mojo

Yep, I still love creating houses!  I think I will for quite some time.  I did this canvas at home, while sippin' some yummy hot cider.  Aaaahhhh....the good life.  Trying hard to get my creative mojo back.   How are you holding up, friends?  Are you enjoying winter, or is it starting to get to you? 

I swear...I literally RUN home at the end of the day, shut the door, and put my jammies on....even before dinner. Then I beg Lovin' Man to take the puppers outside for her potty breaks, so I don't have to go out again. He usually indulges me, good man that he is.   That's why I'm surprising him with THIS tonight. 
We love CAKE!  Woo hoo!


  1. We just saw Cake in concert for New Years! It was awesome!

  2. Oooh, the winter cold is getting to this California-girl-transplanted in-Virginia. Brrrr. It's so tempting to spend the season hibernating under a flannel blanket!

    Your artwork is whimsical and bright and cheery - the perfect foil to the cold! Thank you for sharing!

  3. The jammie's part sounds just like me! I am so ready for spring. How many more days?
    Love your works- adorable!

  4. I had all these great plans to get the year off to a great start but feel like I'm stuck in neutral at the moment. I haven't been well so I figure that's why, hoping to get back up to speed soon. Love the houses.

  5. I can't get enough of houses, love them!

  6. I love your blog! So colorful and happy. I will be sharing an award with you at Tangled Happy tomorrow. I would love if you stopped by to see. Thank you! Sara :)

  7. Happy Belated New Year Miss Dori!! I hope you have the BEST one yet!!!


  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leading me back here! I see we are kindred spirits when it comes to painting houses...I too love to paint them! We all love putting jamas on as soon as we're at home..You have just inspired a new piece of art!
    Thanks for the lead on that cheap cake album.

    Hugs Giggles

  9. I'm with you - I've had enough of winter!! And it's only January. Sigh. Here's to jammies and cider.

    Love the houses!

  10. i love this string of houses..
    this would be a lovely block
    for trick or treating,
    for taking a spring walk,
    for living.

  11. Hi Dori. I love these little house paintings! I know I asked before but don't think I ever heard back. Do you sell your paintings? I would love to have one. I visited your Etsy shop but I didn't see any paintings for sale? Also wanted you to know that your giveaway post inspired my latest creation. Tangled Happy Wands. I hope to post them next week. Always fun visiting your blog! :)
