
January 04, 2011

Some New Pages in my Altered Book!

Howdy!  How are you today?  My Little Man was feeling under the weather today, so I spent the morning close by, playing in my altered book while he rested. 

The "bookmark" that's stapled on the below page contains images by an artist we love named "Elloh".  Check out her's super fun!!!  We own a few of her prints and magnets, and think she's great.

I had a good time just randomly gluing and doodling and putting down whatever popped into my head.

 I'm looking forward to doing something with my hand shaped page.  Tee hee.

 My work table by the time it was all done......eeek.....

Hope you are having a happy day!!!  Thanks for visiting!


  1. Loving your pages, I'm toying with doing an art journal this year. Interested to see where it leads.

  2. love your journal pages. how fun. love the colors you use to create your artwork!

  3. My Punk would like to know why there is a princess opposite the lego man. He's all about legos ... princesses not so much.

    I, however, think the spread is amazing.

  4. All I can say is that you are one creatively talented girl!!! It would take me forever to come up with something as brillant as that.

    Hugs for a great is well on it's way to the weekend...happy 2011! xoxox

  5. Love the tree with the black and white trunk.

  6. i am strapped into a rocket
    & ready for the moon,
    inspired by you!
    love your pages!
    & love the cliffhanger
    of the hand page...
    so much beauty you hold!!
    happy new year. xox

  7. Wow, fantastic, love your pages, so colourful and so much going on. I laughed at your work desk, it certainly resembles mine, lol. Thanks for your lovely comments. xx

  8. Sooo glad you stopped by the other day! I just LOVE your artwork. So cheerful and everything. And I LOVE your blog name "The time to be happy is now". Yep, it sure the heck is! *smiles*

    Nice meeting you!!

  9. I look forward to each colorful posting your post!
    I am passing along an award to you! Stop by my blog and check it out.

  10. I love the picture of your work space. I thought I was the only one who got messy when I worked! Loved your pages, they are worth the mess!!

  11. My first time here, loving your colorful zany artwork. Just my style :)
