Hello guys! My dear sweet friend Dani "not so gently" reminded me that it was time to get my blog updated more often. HA! So DANI, this post's for you!!! :-) We have been in the thick of busy-ness that past few weeks. I've taken a break from my derby playing pastime, to make more time for taking care of my business during these precious weeks of getting into the black. I miss the skating, and the sweating.....so will be back at it after the first of the year. Funny how just a few weeks off can really make a difference.
I've been blessed with plenty of work to do......still a couple of special projects to finish this week....and I've been waiting for some last minute shipments of merchandise to arrive....each day it doesn't arrive is painful. Shipping/mailing is so slow these days.
Balance. Always striving and struggling to find balance. Finding that I often give up one thing for another, only to find there still is no balance and harmony. But I am enjoying just concentrating on MAKING with my hands. Always have loved that. Always will. I have more to share soon, but I better get back at it. Using all spare moments to make just a few more items. Cheers, hope you are all warm and cozy. And....LOVE YOU DANI!!!!!