
January 27, 2011

Shout it from the Hilltop! The Etsy Shop Has Been Updated!

Hello again!  I did it!  I got some new goodies in the Etsy shop!!!  Hooray!!!  It was long overdue!  
Several  of you have asked for paintings, so I threw some of those into the mix too!  The above collage is one of my much layering, and lots of smooshy paint!  You can learn more about it HERE.  So run, don't my little corner of the Etsy world, and enjoy!!! 

You will find some of these........

And some of these.......(chirp, chirp!)......

And just in time for Valentine's Day.....some of these....
There can never be too many "I Love You's".  Right?!  :-)

January 26, 2011

Nothing Much, Just Sayin' Hi.

Howdy!!!  Okay, friends, I took some adorable pics of our sweet Elsie, and I almost posted them today.   And yes, I am obsessed and in love with her....but I thought maybe I should lay off (at least until the next post.  Hee Hee.)   And then I almost started complaining about winter again!! But I must stop doing that too.  Geez.

  It's warmer here's in the 20's.  Woo hoo!  Poor Angie, every time she comes to work with me, I blurt out, "Have I mentioned I'm sick of winter?"  She always very patiently and sweetly responds "ME TOO!!!"  But surely this is not a proper state of mind, to spend the remaining weeks of winter.  Not to mention it's a big drag to everyone who comes into contact with me.  Ha!  So I'm gonna get positive, think happy, warm thoughts, and just stay busy.  And busy I have been!!!  There are things to share here with you....I just need to organize my thoughts, make lists, and get it together.  Know what I'm sayin'? 
First thing coming Etsy shop update.  I'm working on that right now....stay tuned!!!

January 21, 2011

Bored with the Cold

Hi everyone!!!  How are you?  It is soooo flippin' cold outside, oh my goodness!!! (-15 right now)  It dipped way below zero last night, and the entire family pulled out the flannel jammies!  We snuggled up in front of the fire with some hot was nice!  So far this week, I'm the only one to catch yet another bug!!!  (c'mon!!!  Are you kidding me??!!)  This was just a nasty head cold...and it's going away now, thank goodness.  And this is what sweet, patient Elsie has been doing.....finding spots of sunshine to lie in.  She is quite bored with our life right now.  We are exercising her by running her up and down the steps....her trips outside are kept very brief, because her little ears freeze so quickly.  There's a nice open space in our living room for her to chase balls around...but I can see it in her eyes....she's saying "Seriously, people, we need to get a life."  Once we make it back over the zero mark, sweet girl, I promise.

January 11, 2011

Wintertime Mojo

Yep, I still love creating houses!  I think I will for quite some time.  I did this canvas at home, while sippin' some yummy hot cider.  Aaaahhhh....the good life.  Trying hard to get my creative mojo back.   How are you holding up, friends?  Are you enjoying winter, or is it starting to get to you? 

I swear...I literally RUN home at the end of the day, shut the door, and put my jammies on....even before dinner. Then I beg Lovin' Man to take the puppers outside for her potty breaks, so I don't have to go out again. He usually indulges me, good man that he is.   That's why I'm surprising him with THIS tonight. 
We love CAKE!  Woo hoo!

January 04, 2011

Some New Pages in my Altered Book!

Howdy!  How are you today?  My Little Man was feeling under the weather today, so I spent the morning close by, playing in my altered book while he rested. 

The "bookmark" that's stapled on the below page contains images by an artist we love named "Elloh".  Check out her's super fun!!!  We own a few of her prints and magnets, and think she's great.

I had a good time just randomly gluing and doodling and putting down whatever popped into my head.

 I'm looking forward to doing something with my hand shaped page.  Tee hee.

 My work table by the time it was all done......eeek.....

Hope you are having a happy day!!!  Thanks for visiting!

January 01, 2011

First Morning Walk in 2011

Our new year started with a chilly winter walk with our sweet, gangly Elsie.  She is taking to her new life quite well.  Her ribs are not sticking out quite as much, and she is always greeting us with lots of puppy licks and snuggles.  She cracks us up all the time with the funny noises she makes, and the other night she growled at our next door neighbor's snowman.  Hilarious.

Walking on a leash is not yet her strong suit, but she's getting better every day.

We weren't able to stay out very was soooo chilly.....

We spent a little time pondering the year that is now behind us.....such wonderful much many things to be grateful for.....and looking at the new year ahead of us....

.....happy to be heading out toward the horizon together.

Wishing you all a peaceful first day of 2011....hope you are all staying warm and happy.  A great big thank you to all of our customers who came to the art studio for our Arctic Blast event.  It was so much fun to see all of you!  And the creations that were made....oh my!!!