September 26, 2014

Peace Totem Workshop!

Behold!  The lovely ladies who attended our Peace Totem painting workshop last night!  We had FUN!  We painted, stamped, stenciled, and giggled.  And we love pumpkin muffins!  THANK YOU, ladies for joining our night of merry making!

September 24, 2014

Thank you GE Capital!

We had a BLAST yesterday hosting the fabulous folks from GE Capital for their team outing/fun day!  Everyone was so much fun to be with, and so creative too!  Just look at all the great creations they came up with! 

September 09, 2014

Dori's Solo Art Show at Barnes and Noble

Hello local friends!  I have been honored to be named the "artist of the month" at our local Barnes and Noble store here in Cedar Rapids!  Many brand new, colorful pieces of art are hanging for you to enjoy while you sip your coffee in the café!  Please stop by and have a peek, and let me know which one you like best.  I love hearing that.  And yes, most pieces will be for sale at the end of the month.  Let me know if there is something you're interested in!  Cheers, Dori